Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just another Day.

So Yesterday, Saturday, we went to Avery's 3 birthday party. It was nice to be able to spend some time with friends and be able to chat a bit. The kids all played well and didn't get too mad that Avery was the only one getting presents! I had a talk with Frankie before we got there about how it was Avery's house and her toys and HER day and so to share etc and that really seems to help further on in the day. Patty made an amazing cake, but was unfortunately able to attend to eat it! Then we went on a hunt for a BBQ. At superstore they had the $900 BBQ on for $237, but it was only in natural gas. Quag wanted to run a gas line eventually anyway so here starts another project. We need to find someone to run our natural gas line and then we will have a wonderful new BBQ to hook up to it!!!
Charley is doing well, she is starting to find things really funny, like sherberts and peek a boo. She LOVES her dad kissing her neck and will throw herself back onto him to get him to do it more! She is starting to show her own personality more and she will be the get up and go type. She is always on the move.
Frankie is becoming such an actress. Last night in bed she was asking me to sleep with her because "she needed to keep her eyes on me just incase the Poison gas will get us" While she is saying this she is putting on her best serious face and it trying to instill the urgency in the situation....I seriously have to get this kid into some drama classes.
All in all just another day in the world.

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