Monday, August 22, 2011

Charley Walks!!!

She did it...well sort of! Haha! I brought in the 'walker' and thought I would give it a try. Frankie only used the walker AFTER she knew how to walk so I did not hold out much hope. As soon as I got it in the door Charley grabbed the handle and was off. Bumped in the railing a fell down, but she got half way down the hallway. Then later in the day she was standing up using my legs as a brace then she just let go and stood up straight on her own. After those feats it was like pulling teeth trying to get her down for her nap, all she wanted to do was walk and stand without using her hands!
Today we had Rene and her girls over and Sarah and her boys over and Charley didn't want anything to do with the babies. After getting chastized for poking Liv's face three times all she wanted to do was follow around the older girls. You can already see her trailer after Frankie begging her to let her play....

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