Well this summer has got to go down on record as being the most rainy, grim and lacking sunshine in all of history! It is warm but not sunny! We are still managing to find some fun though. I like to take the girls to Maple Ridge park, and if it is nice enough Frankie can puddle around in the spray park. She LOVES the swings and will swing for days if you let her. I am finally starting to see a bit of an adventurous spirit emerge and she will climb (or try to climb) to get to the bigger slides now. She is not too adventurous at all and acts like quite the princess about it. Her acting and dancing sure came in handy when we went to the Maple Ridge fair this year. While watching a performer, he asked the kids to come on up for a dancing competition. Frankie led pack and while the other kids kind of danced in place Frankie paraded around the stage back and forth, twirling and toe tapping, running and jumping. In her hot pink tu-tu and high tops she was hard to miss. Of course she WON the competition, and was awarded a CD of the performer (Conrad Flapps-not mt favorite that is for sure)
Charley just got her shots and weighs in at 17lbs 4 oz, and is 27 inches long. She is pulling herself up on the furniture and LOVES to be standing. She really is a good kid (for now)! She gets really excited when her dad comes comes home and says Hi Dada Hi dada over and over . She says Hiya and dada now and bababababa. She makes lip smacks when she wants to chase the cat courtesy of her dad calling Kokanee in like that every night. It is pretty cute when she worms her way up to the patio window and makes kissy sounds-if that cat in near she just abouts pounds the door down with excitement!
Quag has been working a lot of Saturdays and longer days so it has been hard with the girls and the rainy weather. We have been battling Pink eye, bladder infections, Frankie's asthma and the grey days so the house feels like it is closing in on us some days, but I have made a promise to myself to try not to loose patience with them and to get out everyday, even in the rain!
Today we took the double stroller to the Subway to get a sandwich and we made a stop at the wreaking yard to get a new taillight for the truck. Frankie loved all the old cars and Charley loved the rottweiler yard dog "miller" who wouldn't stop licking her cheerio'd hands! I have finally got both girls down for a sleep and am enjoying some much needed quiet time.